Register Stack Sets in the CLI

Before your stack sets can be previewed or deployed, they must be registered in the command line interface.

In your project’s

  1. Call smokestack.register() to make your stack sets available.

  2. Call smokestack.SmokestackCli.invoke_and_exit() to hand off execution to Smokestack.


This registers three stack sets then hands off execution to Smokestack:

from smokestack import register, SmokestackCli

import myproject.stack_sets

def cli_entry() -> None:
   register("app", myproject.stack_sets.ApplicationStackSet)
   register("boot", myproject.stack_sets.BootstrapStackSet)
   register("ci", myproject.stack_sets.ContinuousIntegrationStackSet)

if __name__ == "__main__":


smokestack.register(key: str, stack_set: Type[smokestack.stack_set.StackSet]) None

Registers a stack set to make it available via the command line.


key: Unique key to identify the stack set on the command line.

stack_set: Stack set.


Hands execution over to Smokestack. Any command line arguments will be interpreted, operated on, then the script will terminate with an appropriate exit code.