
stackdiff is a CLI tool and Python package for visualising the changes described by an Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stack change set.

For example:

Description: foo deployer               =  Description: foo deployer
Resources:                              =  Resources:
Deployer:                               =    Deployer:
   Properties:                          =      Properties:
      Policies:                         =        Policies:
      - PolicyDocument:                 =        - PolicyDocument:
         Statement:                     =            Statement:
         - Action:                      =            - Action:
            - acm:DeleteCertificate     =              - acm:DeleteCertificate
            - acm:DescribeCertificate   =              - acm:DescribeCertificate
            - acm:RequestCertificate    =              - acm:RequestCertificate
            Effect: Allow               =              Effect: Allow
            Resource: '*'               =              Resource: '*'
      PolicyName: CertificateManager    =          PolicyName: CertificateManager
                                        >        - PolicyDocument:
                                        >            Statement:
                                        >            - Action: cloudformation:*
                                        >              Effect: Allow
                                        >              Resource: '*'
                                        >          PolicyName: CloudFormation
      UserName: FooDeployer             =        UserName: FooDeployer
   Type: AWS::IAM::User                 =      Type: AWS::IAM::User

Logical ID    Physical ID    Resource Type    Action
Deployer      FooDeployer    AWS::IAM::User   Update


stackdiff requires Python 3.8 or later.

$ pip install stackdiff


Please raise bugs, request features and ask questions at

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The source for stackdiff is available at under the MIT licence.

And, hello! I’m Cariad Eccleston and I’m an independent/freelance software engineer. If my work has value to you, please consider sponsoring me.