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Vinculum is a Python package for handling large numbers with high precision.


Numbers are recorded as rational fractions rather than floating-point decimals, so 1.2 - 1.0 really does equal 0.2.

Using native float:

a = 1.2
b = 1.0
c = a - b

print(c)  # 0.19999999999999996

Using Vinculum Rational:

from vinculum import Rational

a = Rational.from_float(1.2)
b = Rational.from_float(1.0)
c = a - b

print(c)            # 1/5
print(c.decimal())  # 0.2

A Rational can be rendered to any arbitrary number of decimal places, but repeating digits will be noted and rendered with overhead dots:

from vinculum import Rational

print(Rational(1146408, 364913).decimal(max_dp=999))
# 3.141592653591403978482542414219279663919893234825835199074847977463121346731
# 96076873117702027606580198567877822933137487565529317947017508282796173334466
# 02340831924321687635134949974377454352133248198885761811719505745205021470871
# 13914823533280535360483183662955279751612028072444664892727855680669090988811
# 03167056257244877546154836906331098097354711945038954490522398489502977422015
# 65852682694231227717291518800371595421374409790826854620142335296358310062946
# 51053812826618947529959195753508370488308172084853101972250920082320991578814
# 67637491676098138460400150172780909422245850380775691740223012060408919386264
# 67130521521568154601233718721996749910252580752124478985401999928750140444434
# 70087390693124114514966581075489226199121434424095606350006713929073505191648
# 42030840227670705072167886592146621249448498683247787828879760381241556206547
# 86209315645098968795301893876074571199162540112300740176425613776434382989918
# 14487288751017365783077062203867771222181725507175682971009528298525950020963

print(Rational(1, 3).decimal())
# 0.̇3

Note that the latter output is 0.̇3 with a dot and not 0.3.


Vinculum requires Python 3.11 or later:

pip install vinculum


Please raise bugs, feature requests and ask questions at

The Project

Vinculum is © 2022-2023 Cariad Eccleston and released under the MIT License at

The Author

Hello! 👋 I'm Cariad Eccleston and I'm a freelance backend and infrastructure engineer in the United Kingdom. You can find me at, github/cariad, linkedin/cariad and on the Fediverse at