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Rational class

A Rational class instance represents a rational number.


A new Rational requires a numerator and denominator.

For example, to create the rational number 2/3:

two_thirds = Rational(2, 3)  # 2/3

From a floating-point number

A Rational can also be created from a float by calling from_float.

two_and_a_half = Rational.from_float(2.5)  # 5/2

From a string

Finally, a Rational can also be created by passing a string to from_string.

The string is expected to be either:

  • a fraction in the form x/y or -x/y, or:
  • a decimal in the form x, -x, x.y or -x.y, where . is your local culture's decimal marker.
two_thirds = Rational.from_string("2/3")  # 2/3
two_and_a_half = Rational.from_string("2.5")  # 5/2

Mathematic operations

The following operations can be performed between a Rational and:

  • int
  • float
  • str
  • other Rational instances


Rational(1, 3) + Rational(1, 4)  # 7/12
Rational(1, 3) + 0.25            # 7/12
Rational(1, 3) + "0.25"          # 7/12
Rational(1, 3) + "1/4"           # 7/12


Rational(2, 3) - Rational(1, 4)  # 5/12
Rational(2, 3) - 0.25            # 5/12
Rational(2, 3) - "0.25"          # 5/12
Rational(2, 3) - "1/4"           # 5/12


Rational(2, 4) * Rational(3, 6)  # 1/4
Rational(2, 4) * 0.5             # 1/4
Rational(2, 4) * "0.5"           # 1/4
Rational(2, 4) * "4/8"           # 1/4

True division

Rational(20, 4) / Rational(17, 8)  # 40/17
Rational(20, 4) / 2.125            # 40/17
Rational(20, 4) / "2.125"          # 40/17
Rational(20, 4) / "17/8"           # 40/17

Floor division

Floor division returns a Rational that describes the integral result of the division.

Rational(20, 4) // Rational(17, 8)  # 2/1
Rational(20, 4) // 2.125            # 2/1
Rational(20, 4) // "2.125"          # 2/1
Rational(20, 4) // "17/8"           # 2/1



Rational(2, 4) == Rational(3, 6)  # True
Rational(2, 4) == 0.5             # True
Rational(2, 4) == "0.5"           # True
Rational(2, 4) == "4/8"           # True

Greater than

Rational(2, 3) > Rational(1, 4)  # True
Rational(2, 3) > 0.25            # True
Rational(2, 3) > "0.25"          # True
Rational(2, 3) > "1/4"           # True

Greater than or equal to

Rational(2, 3) >= Rational(1, 4)  # True
Rational(2, 3) >= 0.25            # True
Rational(2, 3) >= "0.25"          # True
Rational(2, 3) >= "1/4"           # True

Less than

Rational(2, 3) < Rational(1, 4)  # False
Rational(2, 3) < 0.25            # False
Rational(2, 3) < "0.25"          # False
Rational(2, 3) < "1/4"           # False

Less than or equal to

Rational(2, 3) <= Rational(1, 4)  # False
Rational(2, 3) <= 0.25            # False
Rational(2, 3) <= "0.25"          # False
Rational(2, 3) <= "1/4"           # False

Integral and fractional parts

The integral property returns the integral part of the number, and fractional returns the fractional part.

For example, given 3/2, the integral part is 1 (i.e. 2/2) and the fractional part is 1/2.

Decimal string

The decimal function returns the Rational as a decimal string.

Rational(33, 8).decimal()  # "4.125"

By default, decimal will return no more than 100 decimal places. To adjust this, set the max_dp argument. This is limited only by your available memory and patience.

Rational(355, 113).decimal(max_dp=6)  # "3.141592"

By default, decimal will monitor for recurring digits and represent them with an overhead dot.

Rational(1, 3).decimal()  # "0.̇3"

If you prefer, you can disable recursion tracking by setting recursion=False.

Rational(1, 3).decimal(max_dp=6, recursion=False)  # "0.333333"

Also, if you prefer, you can change the overhead dot to any string by setting recurring_prefix. For example, \u0305 is an overhead line.

Rational(1, 3).decimal(recurring_prefix="\u0305")  # "0.̅3"


To get the true floating-point value of a Rational, convert it to a float via Python's built-in float() function.

float(Rational(4, 3))  # 1.3333333333333333


The reciprocal property returns the reciprocal of the Rational.

Rational(1, 3).reciprocal  # 3/1


The reduced property returns the Rational in its most-simplified form.

Rational(25767, 34356).reduced  # 3/4

Converting to floating-point and integer numbers

To get the true floating-point value of a Rational, convert it to a float via Python's built-in float() function.

float(Rational(4, 3))  # 1.3333333333333333

Likewise, use the built-in int() function to get the integral value as an int.

int(Rational(4, 3))  # 1